Thursday, April 5, 2007

Light & Sound Reactive Installation

FA435 class installation, originally uploaded by digtem.

If you happen to find yourself in Richland Washington over the month of April, stop on by the gallery at Washington State University and check out the Reactive Light & Sound Art Installation. The piece contains ten televisions playing video created by the students from the Richland WSU campus. The televisions are used as light projectors so they are faced away from the viewer towards the walls. The over all concept for the show and the sound pieces were created by the students from the WSU Pullman campus. The audio is broken into four areas: natural sounds, man made sounds, television background noise and TV commericials. Each area is controlled by a sensor that turns on or off the audio when someone walks by. This piece gives the viewer the ability to control the audio environment while moving around the piece. The sensor that controls the TV commericials audio has been placed out side the gallery walls, making the people in the hallway a part of the piece.

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